Join the battle.
MΞTHΞORS is an art-focused and philanthropic project centered around the conflict of 4 warring MetaVerse factions; Alpha, Sigma, Gamma, and Omega. Each NFT from this original collection is a unique creation by highly-regarded 3D Artist Diego Zanelli, who has a background in video game and jewelry design. All 2000 pieces of this collection are designed and crafted by hand, without the use of randomization algorithms.
Every purchase helps save our world.
Although this battle resulted in the degradation of a once great planet, the sale of these avatars will serve to benefit the preservation and restoration of these great natural resources here on Earth, as a percentage of all profits and royalties will be donated to various charities that support our glorious environment.
2,111 Unique NFT's
28 Different Characters
Handcrafted Designs
Community Benefits
Metaverse Utility
Full Body 3D Renderings
Video Game Collabs

Choose a side.

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The most fearsome warriors in the War for Mars. They are primarily known for their ruthless aggression and merciless methods of killing their opponents. To them, war is not only a conflict, but also a road to glory and fulfillment as both fighting and killing bring them great pride and satisfaction. Alpha warriors tend to keep trophies from their most glorious battles, ranging from weaponry, armor, and even spaceships, to the skulls and spines of their fallen enemies which they use as decoration. What the Alpha warriors lack in terms of skill and tact, they make up for tremendously with their brute strength and bloodlust. They are not afraid to die on the battlefield, as fear is not only viewed as a personal dishonor, but a dishonor to their kind and creator as well. Due to their primal nature, Alpha’s are less technologically advanced as the other Metheor factions, yet are still viewed as conquerors. This is demonstrated by their pillaging of resources from other planets, and the subjugation of all the wildlife from their home planet. Here, they have learned to live side-by-side with all of the lesser evolved species, fearing no creature and keeping both predators and prey as pets and utility creatures. As a tribute to these fearsome warriors, a percentage of profits and royalties from each Alpha soldier will be donated to the (World Wildlife Fund https://help.worldwildlife.org/hc/en-us) to support the wildlife here on Earth.

The most balanced and arguably strongest warriors. Generationally speaking, they have existed for much longer than the other factions, which has given them tremendous experience in dealing with foes of all different types. They are the most skilled in hand-to-hand and close-quarters combat, and have weaponry that is second only to the Gamma faction themselves. They also have the most endurance, as they have adapted to the harsh conditions presented by the environment of their home-planet, which is considered to be a frozen tundra with vast oceans. Societies on the Sigma’s home planet vary, as some are located on the surface that are riddled with storms, others are located high atop frozen mountains where the temperature is constantly sub-zero, and the rest are located underwater where dealing with high pressures and a lack of oxygen is considered trivial. Due to the wide range of conditions that have hardened the Sigma warriors, they have the most versatility amongst the Metheors factions, allowing them to tackle any sort of issue they may face with strong confidence. They are cold-blooded killers in combat, both literally and figuratively, and while some may consider this cold nature a weakness, their adaptability and self-awareness on their limitations has allowed them to develop technology and solutions to compensate immensely. In honor of these hardened soldiers, a percentage of profits and royalties from each Sigma warrior will be donated to the (Oceania Fund https://oceana.org/what-we-do/) to contribute towards the preservation and restoration of our planet’s oceans and icecaps.

The most technologically advanced warriors, they have mastered the art of clean energy and have developed the most elaborate weaponry utilized in the War for Mars. As perfectionists, they prefer combat from the air and like to maintain an overview of their surroundings at all times. Their home planet has come to be a sort of utopia, with their societies floating high above the clouds in their atmosphere, rich with life and natural resources. Although they have evolved to become perfectly self-sustainable, their greed and desire for rapid advancement leads them to rob other planets of their resources, leaving each conquered planet as a barren wasteland, a shell of their former selves. While they are driven by selfish motives, their higher intelligence leads them to prefer taking a path without bloodshed. Typically, they offer those living on their targeted planets a palace within their system, should they agree to hand over their resources. However in most cases, this offer is refused prompting Gamma warriors to use their superior technology to take what they want by force. In memory of these fallen intelects, a percentage of profits and royalties from each Gamma soldier will be donated to the (Clean Air Task Force https://www.catf.us/) to contribute towards the ongoing battle towards cleaner energy and against climate change and global warming.

The most tactical of the Metheors factions, the Omega’s are masters of stealth, precision, and strategy. They are known as some of the best hunters throughout all the galaxies, and their prey ranges from wildlife to conquerable species and even other skilled warriors who have earned themselves a bounty. Hailing from a planet that is rich with forest and jungles, both teeming with a myriad of dangerous creatures, they are experts of studying, blending into, and utilizing their environment. For an Omega, concealing their presence comes as naturally as breathing, and they have little regard for anything they consider a target. Because of their nature of stealth and precision, a single Omega warrior is considered to be much more deadly than a single warrior from any of the other factions in the War for Mars. They are masters of their environment, and excel in forcing their prey into places where they can take full advantage of their stealth and surroundings. Although they are considered to be the weakest in terms of strength, they have developed a wide assortment of weaponry, equipment, and poisons that allow them to quickly kill any enemy they face. Their technological advancements also strengthen their ability of stealth and escape, making them the hardest to kill despite some apparent gaps in combat ability. Typically, an Omega warrior is not seen on the battlefield until it is too late for their prey to fight back. If these warriors are seen by their prey, it is usually one of the last things their target sees. In respect of these fearsome assassins, a percentage of profits and royalties from each Omega warrior will be donated to the (Rainforest Alliance https://www.rainforest-alliance.org/about/) to aid in the continuing struggle against deforestation.

The war has begun, choose your allegiance.
In an alternate time, Mars was once a thriving and vibrant planet, teeming with life and rich in resources. Word of this oasis spread through the distant galaxies, gaining the interest of various interplanetary forces seeking natural resources to help combat rapid environmental decline they all faced.
At first, there was peace among the 4 legions; Alpha, Gamma, Sigma, and Omega, as they worked together to research methods of harvesting these resources to help restore their planets. However as time went on, the ambition and greed of these legions eventually destroyed the alliance they shared, leading to a full-scale conflict fueled by competition and betrayal. This interplanetary battle would later become known as “The War for Mars”, and inevitably led to the downfall of this once thriving planet, as each legion’s attempt to hoard and monopolize the natural wealth of Mars has transformed it from an idyllic paradise to the barren desert it is today.
Mars is open. Everyone can visit the Discord and watch the most exciting conflict of all time unfold.
<X> lucky holders will receive a free MΞTHΞORS character NFT.
Reveal of legendary characters for every legion
<X> lucky holders will receive a free MΞTHΞORS character NFT.
Raffle a total of 1 ETH to unlisted MΞTHΞORS holders.
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Mars is open. Come join the discord and grab a front row seat for watching the greatest battle in the Metaverse unfold. Pre-launch, there will be various contests and giveaways to secure a spot on our Whitelist.
We will hold our first Official Community Raffle! 10 lucky METHEORS holders will receive another free warrior to join their ranks.
We will be launching our Character Database, where you can view 3D renders of each base character in our collection. Here, you can get a closer view into the work that went into creating each METHEOR, and learn a little bit about their history in The War for Mars. We will hold our first ETH Giveaway! One lucky holder with their METHEOR unlisted receive .5 ETH.
Increased marketing efforts will be taken to help further expand the METHEORS brand. These can come in the form of bringing influencers onboard, paid promotion on various platforms, and potential collaborations and partnerships to further develop or Metaverse utility. We will hold our Second Community Raffle! 10 lucky METHEORS holders will receive another free warrior to join their ranks.
Sell Out
Our Database will be upgraded and each 3D render will evolve into a Full Body 3D render, so our community can get a deeper peek at what's to come. We will hold our Second ETH Giveaway. One lucky holder with their METHEOR unlisted receive .5 ETH. To celebrate having sold our entire collection, One lucky holder with an unlisted METHEOR will receive a free LEGENDARY warrior. Aside from this giveaway, there will be a few more opportunities in the future to win a LEGENDARY warrior if you did not mint one.
After Sellout
While we are still hard at work coming up with the best ways to reward holders, increase the value of their characters, and build continuous hype within the community, we have identified a handful of initiatives to set the foundation of our post-sellout roadmap. Some of these come in the form of exclusive holder benefits, such as our Full-Body 3D render of your character ready for Metaverse usage and priority access to future expansions to the MΞTHΞORS collection (through the forms of additions to your existing characters, or a new character entirely).
In addition to these benefits, we plan to get listed on Rarity Tools and Rarity Sniper, dive deeper into the Metaverse by establishing partnerships and collaborations with MetaVerse games and platforms, and holding additional giveaways to reward our most engaged holders. Please note, this roadmap is subject to change and will be updated as the project progresses. We will listen to and engage our community as we seek ways to deliver premium value to our holders
The leaders of the 4 factions.
All Metheor holders will receive a full body 3D rendering of their character after sell out. Think of it as your sneak peak into the metaverse.
How do I get a Metheor?
Metheors can be purchased through our mint pass or on secondary market after public sale on platforms such as Opensea.
What will mint price be?
Prices will start at 0.12 ETH for our Whitelist pre-sale and be set at 0.15 ETH for public sale.
What does a Metheor NFT get you?
Metheor NFTs unlock access to our community, exclusive collaborations and Metaverse utility.
When will mint passes drop?
The drop will take place in late January.
When is reveal?
All MΞTHΞORS will be revealed 3 days after our public sale has launched.
How can I get in touch with the team?
Join our discord to get in touch with staff, the team can help answer any questions!